Lives of the Saints

This blog contains my favorite collection of the lives of the saints. May their lives will serve as a divine guidance for us worthy of emulation in serving our God and fellow Christians.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

October 5 - St. Flora of Beaulieu

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This French saint lived in the fourteenth century. She came from a loving family and joined a convent of nuns at Beaulieu in 1324. She was an innocent, good girl who had resisted her parents' plans for her to marry. But once she gave herself to God as his spouse, he allowed her to prove her love by overcoming all kinds of trials and temptations.Sometimes it seemed to Sister Flora that she was leading too comfortable a life. At other times, it was too hard. She would be tempted to return home to enjoy herself.Yet, because she kept trying to love God, Sister Flora grew dearer and dearer to him. At last, he blessed her with wonderful visions and the gift of knowing the future. Soon, people realized that Sister Flora was very holy. They came to ask for prayers and advice.This saint also received the privilege of suffering the pain of Christ's cross. She seemed to feel it pressing into her, making a wound in her side. She joyfully accepted this suffering out of her great love for Jesus.


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