December 2 - St. Bibiana

Bibiana's father Flavian had been prefect of the city of Rome in early Christian times. He and his wife were known as fervent Christians. In fact, when Emperor Julian left the Catholic faith, he began persecuting it. That is when Flavian was arrested. He was branded on the face with a hot iron and then exiled.
After he died, his wife Dafrosa was also made a prisoner in her own house. This was only because of her good Christian life. Then she, too, was put to death. Left alone with her sister, Demetria, Bibiana tried with all her heart to trust in God and pray.
Everything they had was being taken from them. Then the two young women were brought to court. Poor Demetria was so frightened that she dropped dead at the judge's feet.
Bibiana was handed over to a sinful woman, who was supposed to make the girl as evil as she was. This woman tried by sweet words and many clever tricks to make Bibiana fall. However, the saint could not be moved. She was brought back to court and beaten. Yet she held to her faith and purity as strongly as ever.
St. Bibiana was beaten to death with leaden scourges. A priest buried her at night beside her mother and sister.
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