Lives of the Saints

This blog contains my favorite collection of the lives of the saints. May their lives will serve as a divine guidance for us worthy of emulation in serving our God and fellow Christians.

Monday, May 29, 2006

St. Maximinius (May 29)

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MAY 29


Maximinius was a bishop who lived in the fourth century. It is believed that he was born in Poitiers, France. As a young man, he heard of a saintly bishop of Trier, in Gaul. He traveled to that city and became a disciple of St. Agritius. This holy bishop saw to it that Maximinius received a thorough education. After several years of study and preparation, Maximinius became a priest and then bishop. He took over the diocese of Trier. Bishop Agritius could not have been more pleased. He knew that his people would have a wonderful bishop.

Maximinius lived in exciting times. All you have to do is read the May 2 saint's life to understand. When St. Athanasius of Alexandria, Egypt, was sent into exile to Trier, it was St. Maximinius who welcomed him. He did everything to help Athanasius and to make his time away from his people less painful. Another brave bishop of those times, St. Paul, bishop of Constantinople, was also protected by Maximinius from the wrath of Emperor Constantius.

St. Athanasius wrote that Maximinius was courageous and holy. He said that Maximinius was even well known as a miracle worker. Although it is believed that this bishop wrote much, his works have been lost. But what remains is the memory of his dedication to Jesus and to the Church. Because he was a great man, he was willing to stand up against those who persecuted the Church. He was willing also to protect those brave bishops who fell out of favor with the political powers. Maximinius put his own life on the line even if it meant loss of position or even his life, if necessary. He died around the year 347.


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