Lives of the Saints

This blog contains my favorite collection of the lives of the saints. May their lives will serve as a divine guidance for us worthy of emulation in serving our God and fellow Christians.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Visitation of Mary (May 31)

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MAY 31


Visitation means "visit." The Archangel Gabriel told the Blessed Virgin Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was going to have a baby. Elizabeth was an older woman. Mary knew that she might appreciate some help. She started out at once on the journey.

Mary's trip was long and dangerous. It was uncomfortable, too. But that could not stop her. She rode on a donkey. Mary reached her cousin's house. She was the first to greet Elizabeth. At that moment, God revealed to Elizabeth that Mary had become his mother. Elizabeth asked joyfully, "How have I deserved that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?" Mary remained humble. She quickly gave all the credit to God. He had blessed her so richly.

"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior," she said. "For he has regarded the lowliness of his handmaid, and holy is his name."

What graces the Blessed Mother brought to the home of her cousin! St. John, while still hidden in his mother's womb, was cleansed of original sin. Zachary was able to speak again. St. Elizabeth was filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Mary stayed three months at her cousin's home. With great kindness and love, she helped Elizabeth.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

St. Joan of Arc (May 30)

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MAY 30


Joan was born in 1412. Her hometown was Domremy, a little village in France. Jacques d'Arc, her father, was a hard working farmer. Her mother was gentle and loving. She taught Joan many practical things. "I can sew and spin as well as any woman," she once said. Joan loved to pray, especially at the shrines of Our Blessed Mother. This honest little peasant girl was to become a heroine. One day while she was watching her sheep, St. Michael the Archangel, the patron of her country, told her, "Daughter of God, go save France!" For three years she heard the voices of saints calling her to action. When she was sixteen, she began her mission.

At that time, there was a war going on between France and England. It was called the Hundred Years' War. England had won so much French land that the king of England called himself the king of France, too. The real French king was weak and fun-loving. He thought the French armies would never be able to save the country.

With his permission, St. Joan led an army into the city of Orleans, which the English had almost captured. In her white, shining armor, this young heroine rode with her banner flying above her. On it were the names of JESUS and MARY. She was hit by an arrow in the great battle of Orleans, but she kept on urging her men to victory. At last they won! St. Joan and her army won more and more battles. The English armies had to retreat.

After the victories, Joan's time of suffering began. She was captured by the enemy. The ungrateful French king did not even try to save her. She was put in prison and after an unfair trial, was burned at the stake. Joan was not even twenty. She had a great horror of fire. Yet she went bravely to her death on May 29, 1431. Her last word was "Jesus."

Four hundred and eighty-nine years later, on May 16, 1920, Pope Benedict XV proclaimed Joan a saint.

Monday, May 29, 2006

St. Maximinius (May 29)

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MAY 29


Maximinius was a bishop who lived in the fourth century. It is believed that he was born in Poitiers, France. As a young man, he heard of a saintly bishop of Trier, in Gaul. He traveled to that city and became a disciple of St. Agritius. This holy bishop saw to it that Maximinius received a thorough education. After several years of study and preparation, Maximinius became a priest and then bishop. He took over the diocese of Trier. Bishop Agritius could not have been more pleased. He knew that his people would have a wonderful bishop.

Maximinius lived in exciting times. All you have to do is read the May 2 saint's life to understand. When St. Athanasius of Alexandria, Egypt, was sent into exile to Trier, it was St. Maximinius who welcomed him. He did everything to help Athanasius and to make his time away from his people less painful. Another brave bishop of those times, St. Paul, bishop of Constantinople, was also protected by Maximinius from the wrath of Emperor Constantius.

St. Athanasius wrote that Maximinius was courageous and holy. He said that Maximinius was even well known as a miracle worker. Although it is believed that this bishop wrote much, his works have been lost. But what remains is the memory of his dedication to Jesus and to the Church. Because he was a great man, he was willing to stand up against those who persecuted the Church. He was willing also to protect those brave bishops who fell out of favor with the political powers. Maximinius put his own life on the line even if it meant loss of position or even his life, if necessary. He died around the year 347.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Blessed Margaret Pole (May 28)

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MAY 28

Blessed Margaret was born in 1471. She was the niece of two English kings, Edward IV and Richard III. Henry VII arranged her marriage to Sir Reginald Pole. He was a brave soldier and a friend of the royal family. By the time King Henry VIII came into power, Margaret was a widow with five children. The young Henry VIII was new to the throne and new to power. He called Margaret the holiest woman in England. He was so impressed with her that he returned some property her family had lost in the past. He also made her a countess.

Henry trusted her so much that Countess Margaret was appointed the governess of Princess Mary, his and Queen Catherine's daughter. But then Henry tried to marry Anne Boleyn although he already had a wife. Margaret did not approve of the king's behavior. The king made her leave the court. He let her know he was very displeased with her. The king was even more upset when one of Margaret's sons, a priest, wrote a long article against Henry's claim to be head of the Church in England. (Her son was to become the famous Cardinal Reginald Pole.) Henry was out of control. He had become cruel and hateful. He threatened to get rid of Margaret's whole family.

Henry sent people to question Countess Margaret. They were supposed to prove that she was a traitor. They questioned her from noon until evening. She never made any mistakes. She had nothing to hide. Margaret was kept under house arrest at the castle of a nobleman. Then she was moved to the huge tower of London. She never even had a trial. During the long winter months, she suffered very much from the cold and dampness. She had no fire and not enough warm clothing.

Finally, on May 28, 1541, Blessed Margaret was led out of the tower to the place of execution. She was tired and sick, but she stood tall and proud to die for her faith. "I am no traitor," she said courageously. Margaret was beheaded. She was seventy years old.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

St. Augustine of Canterbury (May 27)

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MAY 27

St. Augustine was the abbot of St. Andrew's monastery in Rome. Pope St. Gregory the Great chose him and forty other monks for a mission dear to his heart. They were to preach the Gospel to the people of England. Abbot Augustine and the monks started on their journey. When they reached southern France, people warned them that the English were fierce. The monks felt discouraged. They asked Augustine to go back to obtain the pope's permission to give up the whole idea. They did, but the pope asked them to go to England just the same. He said that the people wanted to accept the Christian faith. The monks went to England. They arrived in 596.
The missionaries were well received by King Ethelbert, whose wife was a Christian princess from France. The monks formed a procession when they landed. They walked along singing psalms. They carried a cross and a picture of our Lord. Many people received the monks' message. King Ethelbert himself was baptized on Pentecost, 597. Abbot Augustine became a bishop that same year.
St. Augustine often wrote to ask the pope advice. And Pope St. Gregory gave him much holy advice, too. Speaking about the many miracles St. Augustine worked, the pope said: "You must rejoice with fear and fear with joy for that gift." He meant that Augustine should be happy that through the miracles the English were being converted. But he should be careful not to become proud.
At Canterbury, St. Augustine built a church and a monastery, which became the most important in England. It was there that he was buried. St. Augustine died seven years after his arrival in England, on May 26, 605.

Friday, May 26, 2006

St. Philip Neri (May 26)

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MAY 26

St. Philip Neri was born in Florence, Italy, in 1515. As a child, his nickname was "Good little Phil." He was always so jolly and friendly that everyone he met loved him. Philip went to Rome as a teenager. He studied theology and philosophy for three years and was a good student. Above all, Philip was a very active Christian. He lived simply and worked hard. But he also did much good for the people around him. He helped poor children. He donated his time to the sick. He was a friend to people who were troubled and lonely. In fact, he reached out to everybody he could for the love of Jesus.

Philip helped start an organization of lay people to take care of needy pilgrims. That ministry gradually continued as a famous Roman hospital. The priest who guided him realized that Philip was doing so much to help the Christians of Rome become fervent again. But it became obvious when Philip was thirty-six that he had the call to be a priest. It was then that he began his most wonderful ministry for others. He started to hear confessions. He was available for the sacrament of Reconciliation for several hours every day. The lines of people who came to him grew longer. But Father Philip was never in a hurry. He never ran out of patience and gentleness.

People began to notice that he could read their minds at times. He could, in some circumstances, foretell the future. The Lord even worked miracles through him. But all Philip wanted to do was bring Jesus to the people. To avoid their admiration, he acted silly once in a while. He wanted people to laugh and forget that they thought he was holy.

St. Philip was making a difference, though. Because of him, the whole city of Rome was becoming better. Once he started to think about being a missionary to far-off lands. He was very impressed by the life of St. Francis Xavier, who had died in 1552 at the gate of China. Philip had just been one year a priest at the time of St. Xavier's death. Should he leave Rome and volunteer for the missions? A holy Cistercian monk told him "Rome is to be your mission land." After that, Father Philip was at peace.

St. Philip spent the last five years of his life offering the sacrament of Reconciliation to the people. He died at the age of eighty in 1595. He was proclaimed a saint by Pope Gregory XV in 1622.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Saints of the Day (May 25)

MAY 25

The current Roman calendar lists three saints on May 25. Their stories are briefly presented here, one after another.

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This English priest is famous as a saint, a priest, a monk, a teacher and a writer of history. He was born in England in 673. His parents sent Bede to the local Benedictine monastery to receive an education. He loved the life of the monks so much that when he grew up he became a monk. He remained in that same monastery for the rest of his life.

St. Bede loved the Holy Bible very much. He tells us that it was a joy for him to study the Bible. He loved to teach it and write about it. When he grew older, sickness at last forced him to stay in bed. His pupils came to study by his bedside. He kept on teaching them and working on his translation of St. John's Gospel into English. Many people could not read Latin. He wanted them to be able to read the words of Jesus in their own language.

As he grew sicker, St. Bede realized that he was about to go back to God. The monks would miss him very much. He kept on working even when he was seriously ill. At last, the boy who was doing the writing for him said, "There is still one sentence, dear Father, which is not written down." "Write it quickly," answered the saint. When the boy said, "It is finished," the saint said, "Good! You are right-it is finished. Now please hold my head up. I want to sit facing the place where I used to pray. I want to call on my Heavenly Father."

St. Bede died shortly after, on May 25, 735. His most famous book, Church History of the English People, is the only source for much of early English history. People call Bede by the respectful title of "venerable." He is also a Doctor of the Church.

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This pope's name was Hildebrand. He was born in Italy around 1023. His uncle was a monk in Rome so Hildebrand went to the monastery to be educated. Later, Hildebrand became a Benedictine monk in France. Soon, however, he was called back to Rome. There he held very important positions under several popes until he himself was made pope.

For twenty-five years, he had refused to let himself be elected. But when Pope Alexander II died, the cardinals made up their minds to elect Hildebrand pope. With one voice they cried out: "Hildebrand is the elect of St. Peter!" "They carried me to the throne," the saint wrote afterward. "My protests did no good. Fear filled my heart and darkness was all around me." Hildebrand chose the name Gregory VII.

These were truly dark times for the Catholic Church. Kings and emperors were interfering in Church matters. They named the men they wanted to be bishops, cardinals and even popes. Many of those appointed were not very good men. They were bad examples to the people. The first thing Pope St. Gregory did was to spend several days in prayer. He also asked others to pray for him. He realized that without prayer nothing can be done well for God. Afterward, he began to act to make the clergy better. He also took steps to keep civil rulers out of the affairs of the Church. This was very difficult because the rulers were all against the change. However, some gave in.

One ruler, Emperor Henry IV of Germany, caused Pope Gregory great sufferings. This young man was sinful and greedy for gold. He would not stop trying to run the affairs of the Church. He even sent his men to capture the pope. But the people of Rome rescued the saint from prison. Pope Gregory excommunicated the emperor. That did nothing to stop Henry IV. He chose his own pope. Of course, the man he chose was not the real pope. But Henry tried to make people think he was. Then, once again, the emperor sent his armies to capture the saint. Pope Gregory was forced to leave Rome. He was taken safely to Salerno where he died in 1085. His last words were, "I have loved justice and hated evil. That is why I am dying in exile." He was proclaimed a saint by Pope Paul V in 1606.

Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand) is known for his tremendous personal courage. He stood up for the cause of Jesus and his Church.

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Catherine de Pazzi was born in Florence, Italy, in 1566. She was the only daughter of very rich parents. When she was fourteen, Catherine became a boarder at a convent school. There she grew to love life in a religious house. But about a year later, her father took her home. He began to think of choosing a rich husband for her. However, Catherine's heart was set on becoming a nun. She shocked her parents by telling them she had already made a vow of chastity. They could not believe it. Finally, they let her enter the Carmelite convent. Only fifteen days later, however, they came and took her home. They hoped to make her change her mind. After three months of trying, they gave up. They let her go back for good, with their blessing. It was 1582, the year St. Teresa of Avila died in Spain.

As a novice, St. Mary Magdalen became very sick. The nuns feared she might die. She was permitted to pronounce her religious vows. Since she was suffering greatly, one of the sisters asked her how she could stand that pain without a word. The saint pointed to the crucifix. She said: "See what the great love of God has suffered for my salvation. This same love sees my weakness and gives me strength."

St. Mary Magdalen had great sufferings her whole life. She also had very strong temptations to impurity and to greed for food. She overcame everything by her great love for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and for Mary. Often she ate only bread and water. She practiced other acts of self-denial, too. Moreover, her love for Jesus became so great that she would say, "Love is not loved, not known by his own creatures." With tears, she would pray and offer her pains for sinners and unbelievers, right up until she died. She once said: "O my Jesus, if I had a voice loud and strong enough to be heard in every part of the world, I would cry out to make you known and loved by everyone!"

St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi died on May 25, 1607, at the age of forty-one. She was proclaimed a saint by Pope Clement IX in 1669.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

St. David I of Scotland (May 24)

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MAY 24

David was born in 1080. He was the youngest son of St. Margaret, queen of Scotland, and her good husband, King Malcom. David himself became king when he was about forty. Those who knew him well saw how little he wanted to accept the royal crown. But once he was king, he was a very good one.

St. David ruled his kingdom with great justice. He was very charitable to the poor. All of his subjects were free to visit him whenever they desired. He gave everyone a good example with his own love of prayer. Under this holy king, the people of Scotland united more closely into one nation. They became better Christians.

King David established new dioceses. He built many new monasteries. He gave much money to the Church during his rule of about twenty years.Two days before he died, he received the last sacraments. He spent his time praying with those attending him. The next day, they urged him to rest. King David answered, "Let me think about the things of God, instead, so that my soul may be strengthened on its trip from exile to home." By home, the saint meant our heavenly home. "When I stand before God's judgment seat, you will not be able to answer for me or defend me," he said. "No one will be able to deliver me from his hand." So he kept on praying right up until he died. St. David died on May 24, 1153.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

St. John Baptist Rossi (May 23)

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John Baptist Rossi was born in 1698 in a village near Genoa, Italy. His family loved him. They were proud when a wealthy couple visiting their town offered to educate him. His parents knew the couple and trusted them. John was happy to be able to go to their house in Genoa because then he could attend school. Everything was going well for John. He became a student for the priesthood at the Roman College. He realized that studies were easy for him and took on more and more of a load.

John became very sick and had to stop his studies for a while. After he recovered enough, he completed his preparation and became a priest. Even though his health was always poor, Father John did so much good for the people of Rome. He knew what it was like not to feel well, so Father Rossi took a special interest in sick people. He was a frequent visitor in Rome's hospitals. He especially loved to spend time with the poor people at the Hospice of St. Galla. This was a shelter for the poor and homeless. But Father Rossi became aware of poor people who had no one to look after their spiritual needs. He noticed those who brought cattle and sheep to sell in the Roman forum. What hard lives they had. They came in the morning with their herds. Father Rossi would walk among them and stop and talk with them. When possible, he would teach them about the faith and offer them the sacrament of Reconciliation. Father Rossi's priestly ministry made a big difference in their lives.

The priest also felt deep compassion for the homeless women and girls. They wandered through the streets day and night begging. This was dangerous and very sad. The pope gave Father Rossi money to open a shelter for homeless women. It was right near the Hospice of St. Galla. Father Rossi placed the house under the protection of one of his favorite saints, Aloysius Gonzaga. The feast of St. Aloysius is June 21. Father Rossi became best known for his kindness and gentleness in confession. People formed lines near his confessional and waited patiently for their turn. He once said to a friend that the best way for a priest to reach heaven was to help people through the sacrament of Reconciliation. Another favorite assignment given him by Pope Benedict XIV was to teach courses of spiritual instruction to prison officials and state employees.

Father Rossi suffered a stroke in 1763. He never regained his health. He was able to celebrate Mass but he suffered greatly. This wonderful priest died at the age of sixty-six. It was May 23, 1764. He was proclaimed a saint by Pope Leo XIII in 1881.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Saint of the Day (May 22)

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Rita was born in 1381 in a little Italian village. Her parents were older. They had begged God to send them a child. They brought Rita up well. Rita wanted to enter the convent when she was fifteen, but her parents decided that she should marry instead. The man they chose for Rita turned out to be a mean and unfaithful husband. He had such a violent temper that everyone in the neighborhood was afraid of him. Yet, for eighteen years, his wife patiently took all his insults. Her prayers, gentleness and goodness finally won his heart. He apologized to Rita for the way he had treated her and he returned to God.
Rita's happiness over her husband's conversion did not last long. One day, shortly after, he was murdered. Rita was shocked and heart-broken. But she forgave the murderers, and tried to make her two sons forgive them, too. She saw that the boys, instead, were determined to avenge their father's death. Rita prayed that they would die rather than commit murder. Within several months, both boys became seriously ill. Rita nursed them lovingly. During their illness, she pursuaded them to forgive, and to ask God's forgiveness for themselves. They did and both died peacefully.
Now her husband and her children were dead. Left alone in the world, Rita tried three times to enter the convent in Cascia. The rules of the convent did not permit a woman who had been married to join even if her husband had died. Rita did not give up, however. At last, the nuns made an exception for her. In the convent, Rita was outstanding for her obedience and charity. She had great devotion to the crucified Jesus. Once, while praying, she asked him to let her share some of his pain. One thorn from his crown of thorns pierced her forehead and made a sore that never healed. In fact, it grew so bad and gave off such an odor that St. Rita had to stay away from the others. She was happy to suffer to show her love for Jesus.
St. Rita died on May 22, 1457, when she was seventy-six. Like St. Jude, St. Rita is often called "Saint of the Impossible."

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Saint of the Day (May 21)

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Eugene was born in France in 1782. He became a priest in 1811. Father Eugene was sensitive to the needs of the poor and he ministered to them. He was always eager to find new ways to reach out to the young. He wanted to bring them to the love and practice of their faith. He believed in the value of parish missions. He realized that missionary priests in a parish could do so much good to reawaken in people dedication to their faith.
Father de Mazenod began a new religious order of priests and lay brothers in 1826. They were missionaries called the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Their particular ministry was to go to people who had never heard of Jesus and his Church. Father de Mazenod and his order were courageous in answering the requests of bishops who needed their help. Bishops of North America eagerly awaited the Oblates. Bishop Ignace Bourget of Montreal was especially eager. He must have been very convincing because the founder sent several of his members. Within ten years, the Oblates had grown rapidly. They reached all of Canada and had begun to minister in the United States, too.
In 1837, Father de Mazenod was consecrated bishop of Marseilles, France. He became known for his loyalty and love for the pope. He was also a gifted organizer and educator. Bishop de Mazen-od remained superior of his order until he died in 1861.
The great work Bishop de Mazenod started continues today through the Oblate missionaries around the world. They staff mission posts, parishes and universities.

Saint of the Day (May 20)

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St. Bernardine of Siena was born in 1380 in a town near Siena, Italy. He was the son of an Italian governor. His parents died when he was seven. His relatives loved him as if he were their own. They also gave him a good education. He grew up to be a tall, handsome boy. He was so much fun that his friends loved to be with him. Yet they knew better than to use any dirty words when he was around. He would not put up with it. Twice when a man tried to lead him into sin, Bernardine punched him and sent him on his way.
The saint had a special love for the Blessed Mother. She was the one who kept him pure. Even when he was a teenager, Bernardine would pray to her as a child talks with his mother.
Bernardine was tender hearted. He felt great pity for the poor. Once, his aunt had no extra food to give a beggar. The boy cried, "I'd rather go without food myself than leave that poor man with none." When a plague struck the area in 1400, Bernardine and his friends volunteered their services at the hospital. They helped the sick and dying day and night for six weeks until the plague had ended.
Bernardine joined the Franciscan order when he was twenty-two. He became a priest. After several years, he was assigned to go to towns and cities to preach. The people needed to be reminded about the love of Jesus. In those days, bad habits were ruining both young and old people. "How can I save these people by myself?" Bernardine asked the Lord in prayer. "With what weapons can I fight the devil?" And God answered, "My Holy Name will be enough for you." So Bernardine spread devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus. He used this Name a great many times in every sermon. He asked people to print Jesus' Name over the gates of their cities, over their doorways-everywhere. Through devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus and devotion to the Blessed Mother, Bernardine brought thousands of people from all over Italy back to the Church.St. Bernardine spent forty-two years of his life as a Franciscan. He died at the age of sixty-four in Aquila, Italy. It was May 20, 1444.
He was declared a saint just six years later, in 1450, by Pope Nicholas V.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Saint of the Day (May 19)

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Peter di Morone was the eleventh of twelve children. He was born around 1210 in Isernia, Italy. His father died when he was small. The family was poor, but Peter's mother raised her children with great love. She sent Peter to school because he showed such promise and an eagerness to learn. Once she asked as usual, "Which one of you is going to become a saint?" Little Peter who was to become Pope Celestine answered with all his heart, "Me, Mama! I'll become a saint!" And he did. But it wasn't easy.
When he was twenty, Peter became a hermit. He spent his days praying, reading the Bible and doing his work. Other hermits kept coming to him and asking him to guide them. Eventually, he started a new order of monks. When Peter was eighty-four years of age, he was made pope. It came about in a very unusual way. For two years there had been no pope. This was because the cardinals could not agree on whom to choose. Peter sent them a message. He warned them to decide quickly, because God was not pleased with the long delay. The cardinals did as the monk said. Then and there, they chose Peter the hermit to be pope! The poor man wept when he heard the news. He accepted sadly and took the name Celestine V.
He was pope only about five months. Because he was so humble and simple, people took advantage of him. He could not say "no" to anyone. Soon there was great confusion. Pope Celestine felt very responsible for all the trouble. He decided that the best thing he could do for the Church was give up his position. He did so. He asked forgiveness for not having governed the Church well. All St. Celestine wanted was to live in one of his monasteries in peace. But the new pope, Boniface VIII, thought it would be safer to keep him hidden in a small room in one of the Roman palaces. St. Celestine spent the last ten months of his life in a plain cell-like room. But he became his cheerful self again.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Saint/s of the Day (May 12)


Nereus and Achilleus were Roman soldiers who died around 304. They were probably Praetorian guards under Emperor Trajan. We know little else about them. But what we do know comes from two popes who lived in the fourth century, Pope Siricius and Pope Damasus. In 398, Pope Siricius built a church in their honor in Rome. Pope Damasus wrote a brief tribute to the martyrs. He explained that Nereus and Achilleus were converted to the Christian faith. They left behind their weapons forever. They were true followers of Jesus even at the cost of their own lives. Nereus and Achilleus were sent into exile to the island of Terracina. There they were beheaded. In the sixth century, a second church was built in another part of Rome to honor these two martyrs.

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St. Pancras, a fourteen-year-old orphan, lived at the same time. He could possibly have been killed on the same day. Pancras was not a native of Rome. He was brought there by his uncle who looked after him. He became a follower of Jesus and was baptized. Although just a boy, he was arrested for being a Christian. Pancras refused to give up his faith. For that, he was sentenced to death. Pancras was beheaded. He became a very popular martyr in the early Church. People admired him for being so young and so brave. In 514, a large church was built in Rome to honor him. In 596, the famous missionary, St. Augustine of Canterbury, went to bring the Christian faith to England. He named his first church there after St. Pancras.

Saint of the Day (May 13)

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St. Andrew Fournet was born on December 6, 1752. He was from Maille, a little town near Poitiers, in France. Andrew's parents were religious people. Mrs. Fournet had her heart set on Andrew becoming a priest. The little boy heard this more often than he cared to. Once he declared, "I'm a good boy, but I'm still not going to be a priest or monk." When he grew up, he went to Poitiers to study college subjects. But that did not last long. He was having too good of a time. His mother followed him and steered him to good occupations. But they fell through, one after another. His mother was frantic. There was only one more possibility. She talked Andrew into going to stay for a while with his uncle, a priest. His uncle's parish was poor and his uncle was a holy man. For some unpredictable reason, Andrew agreed. This was God's "teachable moment."
Andrew's uncle recognized his nephew's good qualities. His own example sparked something in Andrew and he settled down. He began to study seriously and to make up for lost time. He was ordained a priest and was assigned to his uncle's parish. In 1781, he was transferred to his home parish in Maille. His mother was jubilant. He had become a caring, prayerful priest.
When the French Revolution began, St. Andrew refused to take an oath that was against the Church. He became a hunted man. In 1792, he was forced to flee to Spain. There he remained for five years. But he worried about his people and went back to France. The danger was as great as before. Father Fournet was protected by his flock. He nearly escaped death several times. Meanwhile, he heard confessions, celebrated the Eucharist, gave the Last Rites.
When the Church was free again, St. Andrew came out of hiding. He was always inviting his people to love and serve God. One of the good ladies from the area, St. Elizabeth Bichier des Ages, helped St. Andrew very much. Together they started an order of sisters called the Daughters of the Cross. St. Elizabeth's feast day is August 26.St. Andrew died on May 13, 1834, at the age of eighty-two. He was proclaimed a saint by Pope Pius XI on June 4, 1933.

Saint of the Day (May 14)

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St. Matthias was one of Our Lord's seventy-two disciples. He had been a follower of Jesus during his public life. St. Peter asked the 120 people gathered in prayer to choose an apostle to replace Judas. This was very important because that man would be a bishop, as the other apostles were. He said it should be someone who had been with Jesus from his baptism in the Jordan until the resurrection.
The first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles explains that the group proposed two names. One was Matthias, the other, Joseph, called Barsabbas. Joseph was also called Justus. Both men-Matthias and Joseph-were very well thought of by Jesus' followers. So now they had two replacements for Judas. But they only needed one. So what could they do? It was very simple. They cast lots. Matthias' name was chosen.
St. Matthias was a very good apostle. He preached the Good News in Judea. Then he continued to Cappadocia (modern-day Turkey). Many people listened to Matthias. They believed his wonderful message. The enemies of Jesus grew furious to see how people listened to Matthias. They decided to stop him. Matthias died a martyr.

Saint of the Day (May 15)

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This saint was born in 1070, in Madrid, Spain. His parents were deeply religious. They named their son after the great St. Isidore, archbishop of Seville, Spain. We celebrate his feast on April 4. Isidore's parents wanted to offer their son a first-rate education, but they could not afford it. They were tenant farmers. Their son would spend his life in the same occupation.
Isidore went to work for a rich land owner in Madrid. The man's name was John de Vargas. Isidore worked all his life for Mr. de Vargas. He married a good girl from a family as poor as his own. The couple loved each other very much. They had one child, a boy, who died as a baby. Isidore and his wife offered to Jesus their sadness over the child's death. They trusted their son was happy with God forever.
St. Isidore began each day at Mass. Then he would go to his job. He tried to work hard even if he didn't feel like it. He plowed and planted and prayed. He called on Mary, the saints and his guardian angel. They helped him turn ordinary days into special, joyful times. The world of faith became very real to St. Isidore, as real as Mr. de Vargas' fields. When he had a day off, Isidore made it a point to spend extra time adoring Jesus in church. Sometimes, on holidays, Isidore and his wife would visit a few neighboring parishes on a one day pilgrimage of prayer.
Once the parish had a dinner. Isidore arrived early and went into the church to pray. He arrived in the parish hall late. He didn't come in alone. He brought a group of beggars, too. The parishioners were upset. What if there wasn't enough food for all those beggars? But the more they filled up their plates, the more there was for everybody else. St. Isidore said kindly, "There is always enough for the poor of Jesus."
Stories of miracles began to circulate about this farm worker saint. Isidore was totally unselfish. He was a loving and compassionate human being. He is one of Spain's most popular saints. Isidore died on May 15, 1130. In March, 1622, Pope Gregory XV proclaimed five great saints together. They were St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Philip Neri and St. Isidore the Farmer.

Saint of the Day (May 16)

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This saint lived in twelfth-century Italy. He was an orphan raised by his uncle, a bishop. Ubald was given a good education. When he finished his schooling, he had the chance to marry. But he became a priest instead. Eventually, the pope made him bishop of Gubbio, the city of his birth.
St. Ubald became well known for his mild and patient disposition. One time, for example, a worker was repairing the city wall. He badly damaged the bishop's vineyard. The saint gently pointed it out to him. The workman must have been very tired. He probably did not even recognize the bishop. He shoved Bishop Ubald so hard that he fell into a pile of wet cement. He was covered with it. He got up, cleaned himself off and went into the house. Some people saw the whole thing and demanded that the worker be brought to court. Bishop Ubald appeared in the courtroom and obtained the man's freedom.
The holy bishop loved peace and he had the courage it takes to keep it. Once, when the people of Gubbio were fighting in the streets, he threw himself between the two angry crowds. He seemed unafraid of the swords clashing and the rocks flying. Suddenly he fell to the ground. The people stopped fighting at once. They thought the bishop had been killed. But he got up. He showed them he was not even hurt. The people thanked God. They stopped fighting and went home.
Another time, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa was on his way to attack Gubbio. St. Ubald did not wait for him and his army to come to the city. He went out on the road to talk to him. No one knows what he said. All they know is that he convinced the emperor to leave Gubbio alone.
The saint had a great amount of physical pain. Yet he never talked about it. On Easter Sunday, 1160, he rose for Mass. He gave a beautiful sermon and blessed the people. Then he had to go back to bed. He was not able to get up again. He died on May 16, 1160. All the people came to pay their respects. They cried and prayed to St. Ubald to take care of them from heaven.

Saint of the Day (May 17)

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Paschal, a Spanish saint, was born in 1540. From the time he was seven, he worked as a shepherd. He never had the opportunity to go to school. Yet he taught himself to read and write. He did this mainly by asking everyone he met to help him. This he did so that he could read from religious books. He used to whisper prayers often during the day as he took care of the sheep.
When he was twenty-four, the shepherd became a Franciscan brother. His companions liked him. Paschal was easy to get along with and kind. The community noticed that he often did the most unpleasant and hardest chores. He practiced penances that were even more strict than the rule required. Yet he was a happy person. When he had been a shepherd, he had wished he could be in church praying to Jesus. But he couldn't. Now he could. He loved to keep the Lord company in the Blessed Sacrament. He was also honored to be a server at Mass.
St. Paschal's two great loves were the Holy Eucharist and the Blessed Mother. Every day Paschal prayed the Rosary with great love. He also wrote beautiful prayers to our Heavenly Mother.
Out of some scraps of paper, St. Paschal made himself a little notebook. In it, he wrote down some beautiful thoughts and prayers. After he died, his superior showed the little book to the local archbishop. He read the book and said, "These simple souls are stealing heaven from us!"
Paschal died in 1592 at the age of fifty-two. He was proclaimed a saint by Pope Alexander VIII in 1690.

Saint of the Day (May 18)

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John I was a priest of Rome. He became pope after the death of Pope St. Hormisdas in 523. At that time, Italy's ruler, Theodoric the Goth, was an Arian. (The Arians did not believe that Jesus is God.) Theodoric let Catholics alone at the beginning of his reign. Later, however, he changed and became arrogant and suspicious of everyone. He imagined there was a conspiracy against him. After a while, he believed the whole world was out to get his throne and his power. The one person who most certainly did not want either was the pope. Theodoric was trying to get Pope John involved in his political problems. The emperor was having trouble with Emperor Justin I of Constantinople. It had been reported that Justin was being too hard on the Arians in the east. Theodoric sent a delegation to negotiate with Justin. The delegation was headed by Pope John I. Emperor Justin received the pope and his companions with rejoicing. Justin was very willing to change his harsh policy. Pope John's mission went very well. But Emperor Theodoric was not pleased. He imagined that Pope John and Justin I were against him. The pope was returning to Rome and got as far as Ravenna, Theodoric's capital. Pope John was kidnapped and thrown into prison by Theodoric's soldiers. There the pope died of thirst and starvation in 526.